Tag Archives: Herndon PBAC

Notes from October 28th Herndon PBAC meeting

The Town of Herndon Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee meets approximately every 2 months, next meeting is January 13th

Bike Racks,

Town of herndon reported that they have secured 16 inverted U bike racks from a fairfax county CMAC Grant, Parks and Rec have requested additional Green inverted U bike racks for use in parks.

Town of Herndon also has approximated $5000 to spend on post and ring bike racks that will be used in downtown preservation area.

We spent a lot of time discussing the location of bike racks, if you have any suggestions for locations in the Town of Herndon please leave a comment and I will send that feed back in. The major areas we looked at were bike racks close to the W&OD trail, Bike Racks at the library, then other bike racks dotted around close to businesses. The general rules for placement would be (space permitting) close the entrance of major buildings like the town offices and library, if no space is available then alternative locations could be used but signage should be added to direct people to bike racks

Also discussed street furniture like this example from Hungary 1 and 2

Transportation Enhancement Grant,

The Town of Herndon asked for support in the form of letters for money from the Federal T21 (Transportation Act of the 21 St Centrury), this is money that goes from Federal to state, then VDOT recommends projects to get funding. They are looking for support for Phase 2 of the Elden Street Scape project, which would be from Approximately Jimmy’s to Monroe Street. Unfortunately  nothing is in the plans for bike lanes on Elden due to space, however money from previous grants was used to install automated cross signals.

Future Projects,

Herndon is looking at Bike and Pedestrian connections to the furture Herndon Metro station. One possiblity is to extend the Sugarland Run trail to the North Metro drop spot. The other Trail  mentioned was extending the Folly Lick/Spring Branch Trail to the W&OD and the down to the Metro Station. This Trail is on the Wash COG (Washington Council of Government) unfunded list.

Downtown Master Plan

Herndon is holding public meetings were you can meeting on the Master plan on the 18th and 19th of november. This would be a good opertunity to review bike and pedestrian facilities for the future downtown redevelopment.

Bike to Work Day,

Town of herndon has expressed interest in hosting a bike to work pit stop.

Herndon Festival,

We discussed the possibility of providing bike Valet Service at the Herndon Festival, Ideally we would like it to be sponsored as part of the main event.